Tap Evol "The Setup"


Tap Evol "The Setup" is a work comprised of two parts. Tap Evol is a machine vision system tapped into a database of video clips. Fragments of video from the database are mixed in real-time, generating an ever-changing stream of limitless duration. The selection of source video presented here -- "The Setup" -- is drawn from the genres of computer game cutscenes and television commercials. The mini-narratives and situations from these clips are broken apart and fed into the software engine, accruing residuals of intrigue and unresolved purpose.


The software is based on a previous work of mine, delter >>, which is itself based on MPEG_Play >> by Joerg Anders. All of this software is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Download source code

\/ tap-evol-1.0.1-src.tar.gz (78 kB)
\/ tap-evol-1.0.1-src.zip (128 kB)


Victor Liu is an artist living in New York City. His work has been exhibited in the United States, Europe, and Canada. More of his work may be found at N-gon.com >>